How I built background geolocation tracking with ReactNative

How I built background geolocation tracking with ReactNative

Hi friends 🥰 Today I'm going to tell you how I built background geolocation tracking when I work on BAAS mobile application.

BAAS mobile application is an On-demand Handyman booking application for the US. Still, we are in the customer and handyman acquisition process but the good news is with in the first 3 months we were able to onboard 1500+ customers.

We use ReactNative for the BAAS application because we need to create iOS and Android applications with the same code base because until now, we only had one mobile developer. It's me 🥳 and then we don't need to maintain two separate code bases.

In the application, we have background geolocation tracking like UBER vehicles, In the BAAS application we need to show customers that Handyman is coming to the customer's location. after the job is accepted.

Background Geolocation for React Native

So to implement this we use `react-native-background-geolocation` library developed by transistorsoft.

Initially, we use the public library they provided, And it is working for the iOS application smoothly and also in debug mode in Android. But to work on the production Android application we need to buy the library, they provided access to their private repository and they provide 1year updates.

You can get all the details from about the library we used for background geolocation tracking.

Then using this library we track the live location, And for sharing the location with the customer we use Firebase real-time database, which is very easy to set up and we don't need web sockets, Firebase provides subscribe methods to get the real-time database changes from the DB.

This is how we manage to share Handyman's location with our Customers.

You guys can use this library and you can make your life easy.

cover image : Image by pch.vector on Freepik